What a joy to read!!

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I think you got to the heart of it, the question we constantly repeat -- what good is it to gain the world and lose the soul? Individuals and nations both.

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"To whatever extent the obedience of faith is exhibited in response to that identity, exactly to that extent the world cannot accept us." Well said! Stops you in your tracks.

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So much in here that reminded me of the book "The Imperial Cruise," that I just finished in audiobook form; "white Christians" and "manifest destiny," the savages and barbarians incapable self-government, according to us, including the Chinese and Japanese. And you read so closely, or perhaps deeply is a better word. Against that backdrop I find my reading very superficial; I have a long way to go.

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I may have to check out that book! And thanks. It's been a work in progress to improve my reading comprehension and ability to ask better questions of the text but I don't think anyone ever "gets there." As long as you're willing to let words provoke you to contemplation, don't let anybody say you don't read deeply!

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